Requirements section
Advanced requirements
This section allows to build advanced logical expressions based on values of the order.
A requirement can evaluate to either True or False value.
A group is a requirement that is evaluated based on the requirements that are contained in this group. AND/OR operator can be used to evaluate the group.
All requirements are placed in the root group called DefaultRequirementGroup.
Requirements can be placed on following entities:
Billing address
Shipping address
Checkout attributes
Order totals
Specification attributes
Shipping methods (not aplacible)
Product Category, Manufacturer, Vendor
equals to
not equals to
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
the value is contained in the list use a list of values separated with comma
not in
the value is not contained in the list use a list of values separated with comma
the value contains
starts with
the value starts with
If you are using in/not in parameter, input a list of values separated with comma.
Creating a requirement (not group)
Select requirement type
Select a group, to which a requirement will be added (hidden if only root group is present)
Select the property, value of this property will be compared
Select operator for comparison
Input a value for comparison. If you are using in/not in parameter, input a list of values separated with comma.
Click save.
Creating a requirement (group)
Select Add requirement group in requirement type field.
Select a group, to which a requirement will be added (hidden if only root group is present)
Input a group name. It's recommended to have group names unique for your clarity.
Click save.
Select whether elements in this group will be compared by AND or OR operator.
Last updated