Rates section

This section defines how will rates change after the rule is validated

Type of calculation



A rate will be replaced with a new one

Discount percent

Specified percentage will be discounted from the shipping fee

Surcharge percent

Specified percentage will be added to the shipping fee

Don't replace

Shipping fee will not change

Discount fixed

Specified amount will be substracted from the shipping fee

Surcharge fixed

Specified amount will be added to the shipping fee

Maximum/Minimum rate

If a rate drops below, or rises above specified amount, it will be set to maximum/minimum rate.

Cumulative rates

This parameter allows next rule to alter shipping methods that have been altered by this rule.

Furthermore, discount/surcharge will be accumulated.


The priority of rules in following examples is A -> B -> C

Rule A applies 10% discount to shipping method FedEx Rule B applies 20% discount to shipping method FedEx Rule C applies 30% discount to shipping method FedEx and USPS

  • Rule A does not allow cumulative rates. In this case rule B will not be applied because rule A does not allow cumulative rates. Only 10% discount will be applied.

  • Rule A allows cumulative rates. In tihs case rule A will be applied making a 10% discount. Then rule B will be applied making another 20% discount to the result of rule A. Bringing total discount to 28%.

  • Rule A allows cumulative rates. Rule B doesn't allow cumulative rates. In tihs case rule A will be applied making a 10% discount. Then rule B will be applied making another 20% discount to the result of rule A. Rule C will not be applied because rule B does not allow cumulative discounts for shipping method FedEx. A 30% discount will be applied by rule C for shipping method USPS.

  • Rule A allows cumulative rates. Rule B doesn't allow cumulative rates. In tihs case rule A will be applied making a 10% discount. Then rule B will be applied making another 20% discount to the result of rule A. Then rule C will be applied making another 30% discount to the result of rule B. Bringing the total discount to 49.6% for shipping method FedEx. For shipping method USPS a 30$ discount will be applied by USPS.

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