Rates section

This section defines how will rates change after the rule is validated

Type of calculation

Maximum/Minimum rate

If a rate drops below, or rises above specified amount, it will be set to maximum/minimum rate.

Cumulative rates

This parameter allows next rule to alter shipping methods that have been altered by this rule.

Furthermore, discount/surcharge will be accumulated.


The priority of rules in following examples is A -> B -> C

Rule A applies 10% discount to shipping method FedEx Rule B applies 20% discount to shipping method FedEx Rule C applies 30% discount to shipping method FedEx and USPS

  • Rule A does not allow cumulative rates. In this case rule B will not be applied because rule A does not allow cumulative rates. Only 10% discount will be applied.

  • Rule A allows cumulative rates. In tihs case rule A will be applied making a 10% discount. Then rule B will be applied making another 20% discount to the result of rule A. Bringing total discount to 28%.

  • Rule A allows cumulative rates. Rule B doesn't allow cumulative rates. In tihs case rule A will be applied making a 10% discount. Then rule B will be applied making another 20% discount to the result of rule A. Rule C will not be applied because rule B does not allow cumulative discounts for shipping method FedEx. A 30% discount will be applied by rule C for shipping method USPS.

  • Rule A allows cumulative rates. Rule B doesn't allow cumulative rates. In tihs case rule A will be applied making a 10% discount. Then rule B will be applied making another 20% discount to the result of rule A. Then rule C will be applied making another 30% discount to the result of rule B. Bringing the total discount to 49.6% for shipping method FedEx. For shipping method USPS a 30$ discount will be applied by USPS.

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